CAPS Self-Help Library

graduation cap  Academics/College Life pill capsule Alcohol, Drugs, Other Addictions

Academic Success Resources
Academic Success Tips
Adjusting to College
Test Anxiety
Time Management & Procrastination

Alcohol/Drug Self-Assessment
Computer Addiction
Gaming Addiction Screening
Pornography Addiction

Visit our Alcohol & Other Drugs Page for More Info

stressed emoji Anxiety, Stress, Trauma sad emojiDepression, Mood, Emotion

Anxiety Disorders (overview)
Coping Card: Anxiety & Emotions
Exercise for Mood, Anxiety, & Well-Being
Manging Stress
Mindfulness Resources for People of Color
Social Anxiety & Introversion Resources
Test Anxiety
Trauma & PTSD: Helping Yourself or a Friend
Yoga for Mood & Well-Being

Audio Recordings
Guided Meditations
(various; from UCLA Health; some in Spanish) 

Bipolar Disorder (overview)
Coping Card: Anxiety & Emotion
Exercise for Mood, Anxiety, & Well-Being
How to Manage Angry Feelings
Mental Health, Well-Being, & Depression Resources
Self-Harm/Cutting (overview)
Yoga for Mood & Well-Being

crying emoticon Grief & Loss   
Coping After a Loved One's Suicide
Grief: What Do You Need?
Helping a Friend Cope with Suicide Loss
How to Cope with the Death of your Pet
Making Meaning of Death
Significant Dates, Times, & Places 


cat with heart eyes Relational Issues, Identity, Sociocultural Issues
sleeping emoticon Sleep

All About Sexual Consent
Building Social Support Networks
Challenging Self-Defeating Thoughts
Coming Out Guide
Coming Out as Bisexual Guide
Coming Out Guide for African-Americans
Coming Out Guide for Latinx (in Spanish)
Dealing with Oppression
Digital Dating
Self-Esteem Resources
Sexual Health Resources

Social Anxiety & Introversion Resources
Social Support Self-Assessment
Understanding and Addressing Abuse

How to Get a Good Night's Sleep
Sleep Log: Track Your Sleep Patterns
Sleep Resources
Visualization: Energy Release  


  computer emoji Additional Resources  

Mental Health Apps

Exercise for Mood, Anxiety, & Well-Being
Yoga for Mood & Well-Being

Guided Meditations (various; from UCLA Health; some in Spanish)
Mindfulness (overview)

Psychosis (overview)

Self-Harm/Cutting (overview)

Waiting for Therapy Appointment
Self-Care Tips While Waiting for Appointment